Furball Frenzy

Use powerful lightning traps to capture the invading furballs as they attempt to gobble up Earth's candy supply. Collect and use super-charged power-ups and trap the furballs as they invade! Increasingly difficult obstacles, traps, and puzzles await as you clear the entire solar system of the invading scourge.

  • 100+ challenging levels
  • 10+ super charged power-ups to trap and use
  • Earn 9 planetary medallions for achieving successful missions

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Furball Frenzy screenshot

Furball Frenzy is free to download and play. After you download Furball Frenzy you have 1 trial hour to decide whether you like it or not. You can buy Furball Frenzy online right away, instantly and securely.

Use powerful lightning traps to capture the invading furballs as they attempt to gobble up Earth's candy supply. It's an awesome responsibility to protect the candy supply for the entire planet!

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